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Life Story

I got into the actual world of fighting, the world of karate. Why? I wanted to defend myself from the big bad outside world. I wanted to feel safe. I wanted to be an independent woman and I wanted my freedom. Period. The want for freedom - was defined by me as independence. I heard it in my mother, grandmother, my aunts, my friends, society, everywhere.
In my work as an interior designer, I became aggressive, pushy, and hard, fighting internal and external demons.
As I dug deeper into karate, this Martial Art form, I started to feel the pulse, MY PULSE. And I asked-- WHAT AM I FIGHTING?
The answer - I was fighting the very conceptualisation and conception of my birth as a woman. I was fighting the viewpoint of my family, relations friends, and the world. The ORIGIN of the view - women need protection. I progressed in my field of karate, from being an aggressive participant in world championships, to proudly displaying the tricolour and tasting the tears on my lips on hearing the INDIAN national anthem being played. The transition from a player to a Referee happened as naturally as my question. I went from WHAT to WHO AM I Fighting?
Now, as a referee the responsibility changed from watching, not only myself but also two very Capable and skilled fighters, fighting their battles. I have to have an eagles eye view of not only their skills and technique but all the other attributes which help pronounce the winner. I had no choice but to step outside of ME space to connect with OTHERS.
Let me give you an example- what I saw in the beautiful, delicate, fully clad-up Iranian women fighters was not only their dedication towards hard work, skills, and techniques but also their pent-up anger, and frustrations. I saw fierceness and blood in their kajaled eyes, I heard their cry for basic instinct for survival in that Kia. I heard them deep into my very core of being. I shriveled inside, what demons are they fighting? WHO ARE THEY FIGHTING?
I was SHOWN the mirror and I could see the reflection of the entire world. Meanwhile, in my world, along with my two sons, another Martial Art Form, entered my life.
TAICHI, poetry in motion, but translated as the supreme ultimate- started exploring me. I slowed down, I softened, I learned to step back and as I dug deeper into this Art Form- the light started shining brighter on my question- WHO AND WHAT AM I FIGHTING?
The very essence of this Art Form responded to my very cry for existence.  It was not about a man or a woman it was about the very being. 

In the stillness of movement, in the depths of dynamic Silence- my demons, battles, and my questions DISSOLVED.TRANSENDANCE from inner chaos to peace within ascended upon me.Freedom from my battles took me to freedom.Aahhhhaaaaaa.....I realised that when I was fighting myself inside I was fighting outside.With peace within, the world around me was resonating with peace.My inner world was projecting and creating RELATIONSHIP WITH the world around me.Maybe..just maybe... As we all move towards resolving our internal battles we can bring in WORLD PEACE.

Trained With

Sensei Moses Thilak - India

Jeff Feburalum - USA

Luca Ginalfy - Italy

Currently Training in Zhineng ChiGung with Chinese Traditional Teachers from Xian Center.

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+91 98431 32079

Gold medalist at District, State, and National level karate championships

Bronze medalist at KOI World Cup

2005- Greece

Represented India thrice for the world cup

Life achievement award by Superstar Shri Rajinikanth, on 8th March 2018, Women’s day

Trained With

Sensei Moses Thilak - India

Jeff Feburalum - USA

Luca Ginalfy - Italy
Currently Training in Zhineng ChiGung with Chinese Traditional Teachers from Xian Center.

Silver Medalist at Bulgaria - 2007

About the Teacher

About Us

Sonika is a veteran practitioner and teacher of martial arts like Karate and Tai Chi for close to 30 years. She believes that martial arts are not just defence arts, but they have healing powers.  The physical movements, meditation, and breathwork are done as part of these martial arts help us move the Chi (Qi) or the Universal Energy Force present in our bodies and remove all the emotional, physical, and mental blockages, helping us live a physically and mentally healthy life.

She has been combining aspects of Physical health, Mindfulness, Emotional balance, and stability to organize workshops revolving around Motivation and Self Defense.

Over the years Sonika has deepened her studies and has learned multiple Energy Healing modalities, and has developed her unique style of combining all of these techniques to help people with deep healing of various mental and physical issues like Diabetes, Muscle Spasms, Nervous System Disorders, Depression, etc.

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